The website has a special section in which registered users can make more actions.
Users can receive and transmit a) notifications, b) messages and change c) files with other users, forming groups, recorded in Users may be interested or curious of the TORCH field or specialists in this field (gynecologists, neonatologists or family physicians).
In order to use the facilities of My Account, the user must register (Register) in this site.
Registered users (entering the site through login/sign-in) when select the + button in the lower left of the window (or the area to the left of the window is already visible), they have access to My Account section, which contains the menu: profile, notifications, files , settings, and exit from your account (logout). For unregistered users, these sections are not displayed when selecting the + button at the bottom left of the window, and they are prompted to create an account.
In the Profiles menu, you can view the user profile information, edit profile Group This information, including the possibility of setting profile visibility for everyone, only for the owner/ Only me or all members of the group/all members, which is an additional security method of personal data based on the user’s decision. Another feature is to add or change the user’s photo, very useful in quickly identifying the members of the discussion group and extremely widespread in the online environment. In the site TORCH.RO can be regular users, with the profile “Base” and Users of “doctor”, who can fill in their profile and the Medical Center address fields, telephone, fields that can be visible to anyone or accessible only to the owner or For all registered users in the site.
a) For notifications there is a possibility to view notifications, selecting read, or unread, delete notifications, and order them by the newest or oldest criteria at the beginning of the list. The options to mark notifications as read, unread, or to be deleted can be made simultaneously for multiple notifications through the multiple/Bulk actions option.
b) Using My account, the user can access the received messages/Inbox, create/Compose and send/Sent messages, search for/Search messages containing keywords, mark messages as important/Starred and access them separately, may mark Messages as read or unread, or delete them.
By exchanging messages, conversations can be initiated, answering messages/Send replay, and you can mark a conversation as important. Multiple actions can be done/Bulk actions (mark as read, unread, important, remove markup as important, delete) on multiple conversations, incoming, sent, or important messages. Messages may contain links and/or attached files. Each conversation is carried out on the basis of a common subject, so that the conversations can be classified by the topics addressed.
c) Through My Account you can exchange files with registered users in The user can upload/Select your file(s) from different sources, representing My files. They can be accessed and sorted in only by the owner of My Account. The account holder can give access to certain files, with or without a password, which he decides, other users, or all users registered in the site. This access is seen through a special icon (group of people) next to the name of each file. The files can be sorted by name or the date they were edited. File names and their description can be changed by editing. The privacy of your files can be public/for all users, private, password-protected, restricted to certain members. File privacy also depends on the sharing status to the directory in which the file/files are located. You can enter or remove a file in a specific directory. files can be searched/Search after the whole or part of the file name. You can display summary information/Stats about all my files, shared or private files. Folders are displayed just like files, you can create, access, or delete a folder. We note that empty files cannot be created in TORCH.RO, in which to enter information or to edit the contents of the files (to do this, to be called to the Microsoft Office – Word suite or to free Open Office type programs).
Note. All the Windows screenshots shown in the Help about My Account can be viewed magnified if you click on the captured image and it will be open in a new window.