
In the case of Chlamydia trachomatis the source is strictly human, being the only species of this kind that infects only man.

Method of transmission

The infection with Chlamydia trachomatis occurs by sexual contact. Persons who have been infected and treated may be reinfected. Infected pregnant women may transmit the newborn infection at birth by exposing it at the time of passing through the infected cervix.

Risk groups

Susceptibility is general, any sexually active person may become infected. In the absence of a long-term immunities and after treatment, the reinfection may take place. A larger number of cases are observed in the age group 14-24 years.

 Infection and reinfection are influenced by several factors:

  • Number of sexual partners,
  • Ectopic pregnancies in young women,
  • Factors that may increase susceptibility to infection.

Cellular immune response immunity is specific for each infectant serotype.


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