Clinical Case – August 2018.

15 weeks pregnant, 23-year-old, unmarried, from Braşov.

From history to the patient, evolution is as follows:

On July 20, 2018, the pregnant presents on her face, chest and back blisters filled with yellow-citrine liquid, very itchy.

Due to the fact that the patient’s 5-year-old girl had been diagnosed with chickenpox two weeks ago, the patient is presenting herself at the infectious disease Hospital where she is diagnosed with chickenpox, Day 2.

Is indicated treatment with Acyclovir tabletes  -1 table per day, Acyclovir ointment-which must be applied to the eruption areas, and after completion of the treatment it is indicated Isoprinosin 6 tabletes per day.

From the infectious disease physician the patient receives indication of pregnancy interruption.

On August 6, 2018, she was hospitalized at the Obstetrics Gynecology Hospital in Ploieşti with the diagnosis:

  •  Pregnancy, month IV.
  •  Chicken poxm day 10.
  •  Uterus with scar,

for interrupt the pregnancy.

Analyses carried out:

HLG-10, 70g/dl


WBC-9.74 * 103/Ul

PLT-257.00 g/dl

Fibrinogen-409, 00mg/dl


The patient receives antispasmodic treatment and is given 1tablet of Mifepristone, then at 36 hours receives 4 vaginal tablets of Misoprostol.

On August 8, 2018, spontaneous abortion, a male conception product, weight-150 grams, without visible macroscopic malformations. Hemostatic uterine curettage and evacuator are performed.

It is indicated treatment with Cefort, 1.2 gr at 8 hours, metronidazole 1 vial at 12 hours and Ketorol 1 vial at 8 hours. The patient’s evolution is good. She si out of hospital on August 9, 2018, , with good general status and recommendation to keep 30 days sexual rest, diversified food and a hydric intake of at least 2 L per day, the Babeş-Papanicolau cytology examination and vaginal secretion examination annually, another control after the first menstrual cycle in order to establish a contraceptive method.

Documented case by Mihaela Corina Radu.


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